Back to School: The Red Flags

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Personal InjuryWith the majority of American children learning the back to school routine again, parents are finding themselves faced with a myriad of challenges – ensuring the bags are cleaned out, lunches are packed, and homework has been completed. However, it is also important to keep an eye out for red flags for changes in a child’s attitude.

In recent years, a lot of attention has been focused on bullying within the US school system. The Saint Petersburg media has covered a number of very tragic stories about kids pushed too far by the taunts and teasing of fellow classmates to the point that they make rash, life-altering decisions.

Yet, it cannot be entirely prevented, so parents must be alert to any signs that a child is suffering at the hands of others. It must also be considered that his or her child could be the one making hurtful comments or causing harm to others.

Bullying is no longer a problem kept within the walls of the St. Petersburg schools. It is being battled fiercely in the courtroom as well. A poor decision on the part of your child could land you before a judge and jury. That could lead to extensive financial loss, but the potential losses faced by the victims’ families are often much greater.

For that reason, a personal injury attorney would advise that you keep your eyes open for the red flags associated with bullying.

Signs That Your Child is Being Bullied

Reluctance. A child being bullied will often show hesitation when it comes time to get on the bus in the morning or head to the first class of the day.

Anger. The victim might show signs of increased anger at home because of mounting frustration at school.

Isolation. The emotional toll on a person faced with continued persecution can be devastating. It can lead to depression and a sudden desire to be alone. Children who are normally upbeat and outgoing will often close down, becoming suddenly shy, reserved, or unwillingly to try new things.

Illness. Unfortunately, mental anguish often attacks physical well-being, making depressed children more susceptible to headaches, upset stomachs, and may even increase the likelihood of picking up infections.

Increased Appetite. While most people associate depression with an unwillingness to eat or lack of appetite, kids facing bullying at school will often show signs of great hunger at home. This could be a sign that their lunch or snack periods are being disturbed by the actions of others.

Damaged or Missing Belongings. An otherwise organized and responsible child may suddenly have a streak of losing, misplacing, or breaking possessions. In many cases, it is not the child’s doing, but rather his or her reluctance to “tattle” that is the underlying problem.

Signs That Your Child is a Bully

Aggressive Behavior. A bully is often someone that is quick to act out against others, particularly when he or she thinks that adults aren’t looking. It might be noted that he or she is pleased by others’ pain or suffering.

Anger. The root of the action is often frustration or pent-up anger that would present itself in different ways within the home.

Dominant Personality. A bully wants to be overpowering. Other children might shy away from him or her.

Passes Blame. Another major warning sign is that the child is quick to place the blame on others for his or her actions.