Camping Safely for a Lifetime of Memories

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Camping is truly one of the greatest, most rewarding activities you can do as a family, not only in St. Petersburg but anywhere. Camping is a fun and interesting adventure – and a great escape from the hectic pace of everyday life – and it also engages you and your family on so many different levels. But camping safely means the difference between fun and danger.

First, camping can bring you together in a meaningful and fun shared experience. All the components of camping, such as setting up the tent site and organizing supplies and food, require the use of problem-solving skills, cooperation, and creativity.

As you engage in these activities, your kids can learn these valuable skills – all while having fun, enjoying nature, and seeing the world in a totally fresh way. And in addition to being affordable, another great aspect of camping is that it encourages healthy activities – not only in setting up camp, but all the cool additional things your family can do, such as hiking, biking, or kayaking, in the outdoors.

With all the benefits of camping, it’s hard not to drop everything and head straight out to the great outdoors. But before you go, remember it’s crucial you embark on your camping adventure with a little advanced planning. Do every preparation necessary for camping safely. The last thing you want to have happen is a camping trip ruined or someone hurt – all because you weren’t prepared. Prevent this by following these camping safety tips.

In general, use commonsense and be prepared for the unexpected. Don’t take unnecessary chances or be careless. If you do have an accident or encounter that you have questions about, contact a personal injury attorney.

Camping safely includes assembling a good first aid kit and know how to administer basic first aid. Many community and volunteer groups offer basic first aid training and CPR classes – oftentimes for free. Keep the first aid supplies in a waterproof, well-marked durable container in a prominent location. The key will be usability, so make sure that everyone knows where the kit is kept and how to use the supplies.

Avoid wild animals. Never try to feed, pet, or touch wild animals. Even if they look cute and cuddly, wild animals are unpredictable. Keep your distance and observe them from afar. Most wild animals would prefer to avoid people and will most likely run away. However, don’t provide them with an invite to hang out on your campsite. Store food safely away in sturdy containers. Hang food from a tree if you need to and never keep food in your tent.

Be mindful of snakes, bugs, and other insects. Believe it or not, snakes are probably more afraid of you than you are of them. However, if threatened, they may strike. Avoid this by being aware of your surroundings. Observe your surroundings carefully for snakes, bugs, spiders, and other critters. Clear away debris before you sit down and watch your path before you take a step.

St. Petersburg, as well as the rest of Florida, has several species of snakes. Also, due to the variety of landscapes throughout Florida, some fairly large land predators exist. And let’s not forget about the raccoons around the St. Petersburg area which you can run into not only while camping but also at your home.

Wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Even on the most overcast days, sunburn can occur in a short period of time. Come prepared. Similarly, stay hydrated and be mindful of the weather. Know that weather can change quickly, and staying prepared will help you avoid getting stuck in the bad stuff.

With a little advanced planning and know-how, camping can easily become your favorite family activity.