Personal Injury Accident Coverage Set to Change in Florida

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Automobile Collision 1As with many other states, part of any Florida resident’s auto insurance coverage goes to cover medical bills and lost wages should any injuries be sustained in a car accident, no matter who was at fault during the accident. New changes, though, were made to the laws that require that coverage last spring, and as of January 1 next year, you could see a real difference. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. You have to get treatment within 14 days of the accident to get covered. Even if injuries show up later, the policy won’t cover them if you weren’t treated for them within that time period. If you get into an accident and you’re thinking about waiting it out to see if the pain disappears, it’s not a good idea. You should seek treatment immediately or you simply won’t get the benefit of insurance coverage.
  2. You can only get the full benefit ($10,000) if you are diagnosed with what doctors call an emergency medical condition. If your condition doesn’t qualify, you only receive partial benefits. Moreover, you have to be diagnosed by a physician, a dentist, or an advanced registered nurse practitioner. A chiropractor or a homeopathic doctor just won’t do in this case, so seek medical attention at the emergency room, your doctor’s office, or an urgent care clinic if you want to qualify for the benefits.
  3. Some types of treatments aren’t covered under the benefits, namely those considered to be part of holistic medicine. This can actually include things like massage therapy, so be careful about the types of treatment you seek.

Getting the right coverage in the event of an accident is a must, but if you live in Florida, understanding what benefits you qualify for, and the regulations surrounding those benefits is essential before you get in an accident.