Personal Injury Law: Frequently Asked Questions

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Personal Injury 2There is so much that happens in the courtroom everyday that the majority of the public remains unaware of. So many small cases take place every day that national news simply can’t cover them all.

As a result, there is a lot about the law that remains a mystery to many people. If you are facing a possible personal injury lawsuit, then consider these frequently asked questions, some of which you may be wondering about yourself.

What is the definition of Tort Law? This term covers a broad spectrum of lawsuits, but in general it is said to include all cases that involve the proper treatment of the public. Should a person or company act with negligence, thereby causing harm to another person, he or she could face a tort lawsuit.

Can I sue a person who didn’t mean to cause me harm? Negligence does not always imply that the person intended to harm another person. Accidents on the roadway, unexpected product malfunctions, or a normally kind pet showing sudden aggression can’t always be prevented.

But, if the person did something, made some choice that ultimately led to you being harmed, then you can take him or her to court.

Can you define Punitive and Non-Economic Damages? It is when the person did intentionally do something that he or she knew to be dangerous, that the courts become less forgiving. In some instances, the negligence can be so awful, so malicious, that the court decides that the guilty person or entity should be further punished.

The financial penalty assessed is referred to as punitive damages. Of course, in some cases the victim receives compensation above and beyond what is needed to pay medical bills, lost wages, repair costs, and so on.

Yet, that additional money is not always classified as punitive. If the excess funds are labeled as compensation for mental anguish and suffering, they are instead referred to as non-economic damages.