As Florida homeowners, understanding the risks and hazards that come with living in our area is key to protecting our homes and properties from potential damage. One of those risk factors is foundation failure, which many areas in Florida are more prone to than other parts of the country. While it may be impossible to avoid all instances of foundation failure, knowledge can go a long way when it comes to preventing costly repairs or renovations from being necessary.

That’s why you should read up on what might be causing foundation failures here – bad workmanship or something else? Keep reading for an informative look at this important topic, so you can keep your property safe!

A Floridian involved in a motorcycle accident fills out their injury claim form.

The Cliff Notes: Key Takeaways From This Post

  • 1
    Foundation failure could be caused by a number of things including inadequate site preparation, improper soil testing, and poor waterproofing or drainage systems.
  • 2
    Choosing reputable contractors, ensuring proper site preparation and soil testing, and implementing effective waterproofing and drainage systems can help prevent foundation failure.
  • 3
    Choose a construction lawyer who is familiar with the local laws and regulations governing building construction in your area.
  • 4
    Look at case examples and success stories to get a sense of an attorney’s style, commitment, and results in handling complex construction disputes.
  • 5
    Homeowners may be eligible for monetary compensation, including payments for repair costs and any associated legal fees, in cases of foundation failure.
  • 6
    If you need help, please don’t hesitate to call Herman & Wells. We are here to provide the support and guidance you need in resolving your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Common Issues Linked To Foundation Failure In Florida

The most common causes of foundation failure in Florida are poor workmanship or construction, shallow foundations, and expansive soils. Poor soil compaction is also to blame for a number of foundation issues here. These can all contribute to eventual cracking, shifting, and other problems that have the potential to cause serious damage to your home and property.

Understanding Florida’s Unique Geological Challenges

Florida homeowners should be aware of the risks and hazards that come with living in our region, particularly those related to foundation failure:

Overview Of Florida’s Soil Conditions

Florida has some unique geology, and it’s important to understand that the composition of our soils can have a direct effect on how well foundations will hold up over time. In general, Florida soils are comprised of a mix of sandy material and clay-rich deposits, which can create difficulties for foundation construction. The soils in our area can also become quite expansive when the soil moisture content increases, which can result in further support issues down the road.

Impact Of High Water Tables And Sinkholes

Foundation failure in Florida can also be caused by high water tables and sinkholes, which are both common in our area. High water tables can cause soil to become saturated and weakened, leading to foundation degradation over time. Sinkholes, on the other hand, are large cavities in the ground that form when an underground void collapses due to water erosion. They can cause serious damage to any structure that is built on top of them, so it’s important to be aware of the risks when buying or building a home in Florida.

Effects Of Hurricanes And Heavy Rainfalls On Foundations

Foundation failure in Florida can also be caused by extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or heavy rainfalls. These types of events can cause soil to become saturated and weakened, leading to shifting and cracking that can eventually affect the foundation of your home. If you live in an area that is prone to these types of events, make sure you are taking the necessary precautions to help protect your home from potential damage.

Signs of Foundation Failure

It’s important for Florida homeowners to know the signs of potential foundation failure, so they can take steps to protect their property from costly renovations or repairs:

Cracks In Walls, Floors, Or Ceilings

If you notice noticeable cracks in the walls, floors, or ceilings of your home, it could be a sign that something is wrong with the foundation. These types of cracks can indicate shifting or settling of the foundation, and should be looked at by a qualified professional to determine if any repairs are necessary.

Uneven Or Sagging Floors

Uneven or sagging floors can be a sign that something is wrong with the foundation, as this indicates settling of the ground underneath. Again, this should also be looked at by a qualified professional to determine if any repairs are necessary.

Doors And Windows That Stick Or Don’t Close Properly

Doors and windows that stick or don’t close correctly can also indicate foundation settlement, as this means the frame of your home is shifting.

Plumbing And Drainage Issues

Plumbing and drainage issues can be another sign that there is a problem with the foundation of your home. If you notice water pooling around your home or overflowing drains, this could mean that the foundation is settling.

Potential Causes Of Foundation Failure In Florida

Foundation failure in Florida can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Poor Soil Compaction During Construction

Poor soil compaction during construction can lead to weakened soils and settlement of the foundation over time. It’s important for builders in Florida to ensure that adequate soil compaction is performed before any structure is built on top of it.

Inadequate Waterproofing And Drainage Systems

Inadequate waterproofing and drainage systems can also lead to foundation issues in Florida, as this can cause water to accumulate around the foundation of your home. It’s important for homeowners in Florida to ensure that their homes are properly sealed and waterproofed before construction is complete.

Construction On Improperly Filled Or Unstable Land

Construction on improperly filled or unstable land can lead to foundation issues over time, as the weight of a structure will cause the land underneath to settle. It’s important for developers in Florida to ensure that they are building on stable and properly filled land before construction begins.

Effects Of Natural Disasters And Climate Conditions

Natural disasters and climate conditions can also have a significant impact on the foundation of your home. Hurricanes, heavy rains, flooding, and other extreme weather events can cause soil to become saturated and weakened, leading to shifting and cracking that can eventually affect the foundation of your home.

Legal Considerations In Foundation Failure Cases

Florida’s Statute Of Limitations For Construction Defects

In Florida, homeowners have 4 years from the date of their last payment to file a claim against contractors for any construction defects. It’s important that if you suspect foundation failure in your home, you contact a construction lawyer right away to help protect your rights and interests.

Insurance Coverage And Claims

In the event of foundation failure, it’s important to make sure that you have all your insurance policies in order. A construction lawyer can help you navigate any insurance claims and disputes related to foundation failure in Florida.

Liability Of Contractors, Subcontractors, And Builders

If foundation failure is found to be the result of contractor negligence or improper construction, Florida law may allow homeowners to pursue legal action against those responsible. A construction lawyer can help you determine your options and guide you through any potential litigation related to foundation failure in Florida.

Building Code Compliance And Inspections

In Florida, all new construction must comply with local building codes. Any issues found during inspections should be addressed and corrected before closing on a property. An experienced construction lawyer can help you ensure that any potential foundation defects are adequately evaluated and addressed prior to closing.

Steps To Take If You Suspect Foundation Failure

If you suspect that your home in Florida is suffering from foundation failure, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your property:

Documenting The Signs Of Foundation Failure

If you suspect foundation failure in your home, it’s important to document any signs such as cracking walls or shifting floors. Photos and videos can be used to help build a case against the contractor responsible for the defect.

Notifying The Builder, Contractor, Or Developer

It’s important to reach out to the builder, contractor, or developer as soon as you suspect foundation failure. This will give them an opportunity to address any potential defects before you have to pursue legal action.

Obtaining Expert Opinions And Inspections

Obtaining expert opinions and inspections from a qualified contractor or construction lawyer can help you understand the full scope of any potential foundation failure. Inspections can also be used to build a case against responsible parties.

Filing A Construction Litigation Lawsuit If Necessary

If all other avenues have been exhausted, filing a construction litigation lawsuit may be the only way to get justice and secure compensation for any damages caused by foundation failure. A qualified construction lawyer can help you understand the claims process and protect your rights throughout.

Hiring An Experienced Construction Litigation Attorney In Florida

When it comes to dealing with foundation failure in Florida, the best thing you can do is to hire an experienced construction litigation attorney.

Importance Of Legal Representation In Construction Disputes

Legal representation is essential in construction disputes to ensure the best outcome possible. Construction disputes often involve complex legal issues and require deep knowledge of local building codes, insurance policies, and applicable laws. An experienced construction lawyer can help homeowners obtain a favorable outcome by providing expert advice on the best course of action.

Qualities To Look For In A Construction Litigation Attorney

When selecting a construction litigation attorney in Florida, it’s important to choose one with a proven track record of success handling cases involving foundation failure. You should also look for an attorney who is familiar with the local laws and regulations governing building construction in your area. Make sure the attorney you select has experience negotiating complex insurance disputes.

A Floridian involved in a motorcycle accident fills out their injury claim form.

Resolving Foundation Failure Disputes In Florida

Mediation And Arbitration Options

In some cases, mediation and arbitration may be the best way to resolve foundation failure disputes. These options provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to reach an amicable resolution. An experienced construction lawyer can help you understand these processes and navigate any potential obstacles.

The Role Of Expert Witnesses In Construction Litigation

An expert witness may be necessary in order to prove that a contractor was negligent or failed to comply with local building codes. Expert witnesses can provide valuable insight on the scope of any potential damages and can be a key factor in obtaining a favorable outcome.

Potential Outcomes And Remedies For Homeowners

If a contractor is found to be negligent or liable for any foundation failure, homeowners may be eligible for monetary compensation. This can include payments for repair costs and any associated legal fees. In some cases, punitive damages may also be awarded.

Preventing Foundation Failure In Florida

Preventing foundation failure in Florida is an important step towards protecting homes and ensuring the safety of residents. These steps include:

Choosing Reputable Contractors And Builders

The best way to prevent foundation failure is by choosing reputable contractors and builders who have experience working in the local area. Doing your research ahead of time can help ensure that any potential issues are addressed before construction begins.

Ensuring Proper Site Preparation And Soil Testing

Proper site preparation and soil testing are essential to providing a solid foundation for any project. Before beginning construction, make sure the contractor you choose is knowledgeable about local building codes and understands the importance of these steps in preventing foundation failure.

Implementing Effective Waterproofing And Drainage Systems

Waterproofing and drainage systems can help protect the foundation of a building from damage. Working with a contractor who understands how to effectively install these systems can help ensure that structures are properly protected against potential water damage or erosion.

Need Help? Call Herman & Wells

Foundation failure can be a costly and time-consuming problem for homeowners in Florida. It’s important to choose an experienced construction lawyer who is familiar with the local building codes and laws, as well as the best strategies to resolve disputes.

At Herman & Wells, we have extensive experience handling cases involving foundation failure and other construction disputes. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We are here to guide you through this process and provide the support you need. Call (727) 821-3195 to schedule a free consultation today!

Published On: June 11th, 2023 / Categories: Construction Defects /