The Limitations of Wrongful Death Lawsuits

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Personal InjuryThe media has made much of the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Katherine Jackson in recent weeks. The fact that Michael Jackson’s son Prince may be required to testify to the idea that a tortured life will once again be very publicly displayed, it’s enough to scare almost anyone away from a wrongful death lawsuit.

In some cases, though, filing a lawsuit may be the only way to get retribution for a wrongful death claim in Florida. When a family member dies, it can be nothing short of overwhelmingly sad, and it’s tough to focus on anything else. If you think the death may have been caused by negligence, that can make the situation much more complex. Before you take any steps, though, there are a few things you may want to know.


    • As upset as you may be at the death of a loved one, it may not actually be wrongful death. While there are many different accidents to which the label “wrongful death” can apply including medical malpractice, car accidents, and occupational hazards, there are many more that just don’t fit. Only an attorney can truly decide if you have a viable case on your hands.


    • Wrongful death lawsuits are subject to a statute of limitations. You have to contact an attorney as soon as you feel emotionally ready to make certain your rights are protected and an investigation can move forward in a timely manner.


    • You may be called upon to preserve evidence related to the lawsuit. It can be tough to go digging through your loved one’s records, but the sooner you can do so, the more you can help the attorney begin putting together a case.


The idea of a wrongful death lawsuit may seem terrifying, but consulting with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible will help to make certain you get the information you need now.