Tampa Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident in Tampa, it is vital that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At Herman & Wells, our experienced team of lawyers have extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to helping those injured in pedestrian accidents get the compensation they deserve. We understand the serious and often life-altering consequences that pedestrians face in the wake of an accident and are here to provide you with reliable legal representation.

Herman & Wells has plenty of experience when it comes to pedestrian accidents in Tampa. We understand the complexities of pedestrian accidents, including medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and more – and will work tirelessly to get you the maximum compensation possible for your injury.

Call (727) 821-3195 today!

Pedestrians walking on the crosswalk in Tampa, Florida

The Cliff Notes: Key Takeaways From This Page

  • Pedestrian accidents have become more common in Tampa as the city population has grown.
  • The statute of limitations for filing a pedestrian accident claim in Tampa is two years from the date of the incident.
  • To find the best attorney for your case, go local, read through online reviews, and double-check their credentials.
  • Schedule an initial consultation to get all of your questions answered and make sure that the lawyer is a good fit for you.
  • Herman & Wells has a team of pedestrian accident lawyers that are prepared to answer your questions and ready to advocate for you in court.

Common Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents In Tampa

Distracted Driving

Drivers failing to pay attention to the road, either due to texting, eating, using a GPS device, or any other form of distraction can be a major cause of pedestrian accidents in Tampa.

Poorly Lit Streets & Low Visibility

Poor lighting and limited visibility can lead to drivers not seeing pedestrians until it is too late, resulting in deadly accidents.


Drivers who are speeding can drastically reduce their distance to react and brake if a pedestrian suddenly appears on the road.

Crosswalk Accidents

Crosswalks are designed to be places of safety for pedestrians, but many drivers fail to follow the rules and regulations that apply. This can lead to serious accidents in which a pedestrian is injured.

Dangerous Intersections In St. Petersburg

Tampa is home to many busy intersections and roads, which can be dangerous for pedestrians. Many of these intersections have blind spots that drivers may not see when looking for pedestrians.

Parking Lot Accidents

Parking lots in Tampa can be dangerous places. Both drivers and pedestrians may not be paying attention or following the proper rules of etiquette. It is important to remain aware of your surroundings when driving or walking through a parking lot.

How Liability Is Determined In Tampa Pedestrian Accidents

The determination of liability in pedestrian accidents is dependent on the cause of the accident. If a driver was speeding, distracted, or failing to follow other traffic laws and regulations when the accident occurred, they are likely at fault and liable for damages. In some cases, multiple parties may be found partially responsible for an accident, such as a business or government agency that failed to properly maintain a roadway. It is important to understand the cause of the accident in order to determine liability.

Types Of Injuries Sustained In Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents can result in serious and sometimes life-altering injuries, such as:

Broken Bones

Many pedestrian accidents result in broken bones, with the severity of the break depending on many factors such as speed and impact.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The force of impact from a pedestrian accident can often lead to serious spinal cord injuries. These injuries range from minor sprains or strains to more severe damage that can result in paralysis and long-term disability.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are also common in pedestrian accidents, with symptoms ranging from mild concussions to more severe traumatic brain injuries.

Wrongful Death Claims

In the most severe cases, a pedestrian accident can lead to wrongful death claims. If you have lost a loved one due to an accident involving a motor vehicle, our attorneys are here to help you get justice and compensation. Call us today if you have experienced a pedestrian accident in Tampa. We review your unique case and plan the best course of action for your wrongful death claim.

Why You Should Always Seek Medical Attention After A Pedestrian Accident In Tampa

When a pedestrian accident happens in Tampa, the victims are often in shock and may not be aware of the severity of their injuries. It is important to always seek medical attention after an accident, regardless of your physical condition at the time. Medical professionals can diagnose any underlying injuries that you may have sustained and will document them for insurance purposes. This is especially important if you plan to pursue a claim for compensation or damages.

Legal Rights Of Pedestrian Accident Victims In Tampa

If you are a pedestrian who has been injured in an accident, it is important to understand your legal rights. As a pedestrian, you have the right of way in most cases. Furthermore, pedestrians have the same rights as any motor vehicle operator when it comes to seeking compensation for damages or injuries suffered in an accident. You may be entitled to financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, depending on the facts of your case.

Florida Laws Protecting Pedestrian Rights

Under Florida law, drivers are expected to exercise reasonable care and caution when driving, which includes yielding to pedestrians. If the driver failed to do this and caused an accident, they may be held liable for resulting damages.

How To Recover Damages For Medical Expenses, Lost Wages, Pain & Suffering

One of the best steps you can take is to seek legal advice from an experienced Tampa pedestrian accident lawyer. A good attorney will review your case and advise you on the best course of action to reclaim compensation for all the damages that you suffered in the accident.

Your lawyer will handle all the paperwork, negotiate with insurance companies, and if necessary take your case to court. An experienced pedestrian accident attorney can help you get a fair settlement that covers medical expenses, lost wages, pain & suffering, and other costs associated with your accident.

Steps To Take After A Pedestrian Accident In Tampa

If you’ve been involved in a pedestrian accident in Tampa, here are some important steps to take:

Seek Medical Attention

It is important to seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if your injuries appear minor at the time, they could develop into something serious later on.

File A Police Report

You should always file a police report after an accident in order to document the details and ensure that your rights are protected.

Consult A Pedestrian Accident Attorney

An experienced lawyer can help you recover compensation for damages related to your accident.

What Evidence Can Be Gathered At The Scene Of The Accident?

Evidence collected at the scene of a pedestrian accident can play an important role in proving liability. This includes pictures of the scene, any video footage, witness statements, and other relevant information that documents how the accident happened.

Why Contact A Pedestrian Accident Attorney Asap

If you’ve been involved in a pedestrian accident in Tampa, it’s important to speak with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. By doing so, you’ll be more likely to protect your legal rights and prevent any further complications or delays in getting the compensation you deserve.

Statute Of Limitations For Filing A Pedestrian Accident Claim In Tampa

Recently, there have been changes in the statute of limitations regarding pedestrian accidents in Florida. These changes may affect your ability to file a claim and how much compensation you could receive from an incident. It’s important to speak with a knowledgeable attorney who can provide you with more information about these recent changes and how they could affect your case.

Currently, the statute of limitations for filing a pedestrian accident claim is two years. This means that you need to file your claim within two years from the date of your accident in order to be eligible for compensation. If you fail to do so, you could lose out on your opportunity to receive compensation for any losses or injuries suffered as a result of the incident

Are There Exceptions To The Statute Of Limitations For Pedestrian Accidents?

In some cases, there are exceptions to the two-year statute of limitations for filing a pedestrian accident claim. For example, if you were injured as a result of someone else’s negligence and it took more than two years to discover the injury, then you may still be able to file a claim. This is known as the ‘discovery rule and is sometimes applicable in cases where medical negligence has occurred. An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer would be able to provide more information on whether this rule could apply in your case.

It’s also possible for the two-year statute of limitations to be suspended or extended due to extenuating circumstances, such as if a minor was involved in the accident. In these cases, it’s important to speak with a qualified pedestrian accident attorney who can provide you with more information on how to best proceed with your claim.

Quick Tips: How To Find The Best Tampa Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

If you’re looking for the best pedestrian accident attorney to handle your case, there are a few quick tips that can help make your search easier.

Tips When Reviewing Law Firms Online

When reviewing different law firms online, read through their website carefully and pay attention to any reviews or testimonials from past clients. This can provide you with more insight into a lawyer’s level of experience and the type of quality service they offer.

What Qualifications Should They Have

In addition, make sure to check for any professional certifications or awards a lawyer may have. This can indicate that the attorney is well-versed in their field and has the necessary skills to handle your case.

How To Get The Most Out Of An Attorney Consultation

Finally, before choosing a lawyer for your case, it’s important to schedule an initial consultation. This is your chance to get all of your questions answered and make sure that the attorney is a good fit for you. Be sure to prepare any relevant documents or paperwork beforehand so that you can have an efficient and productive conversation with the lawyer.

$425,000 settlement for a pedestrian hit by a truck while crossing a street at a crosswalk

Talk To Our Tampa Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

At our law firm, we understand the importance of finding an experienced lawyer to handle your pedestrian accident case. We’re dedicated to providing you with the best legal representation and ensuring that you get the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Call (727) 821-3195 today for more information or to schedule a free initial consultation!

Case Results

See More Case Results

Pedestrian Hit In Crosswalk

Our client was crossing a street at a crosswalk when she was hit by a truck.  She broke her arm in the accident and required surgery.  We sued the driver and took her case to trial, ultimately recovering a total of $425,000.

Initial Position

Injured Pedestrian


Call us today for a Free Case Evaluation

(727) 821-3195