Lakewood Ranch Rideshare Accident Lawyers

Injured In A Ridesharing Accident In Lakewood Ranch?

If you have been injured in a Lyft or Uber car accident while living in the Lakewood Ranch area, it is important to seek sound legal counsel as soon as possible. At Herman & Wells, we recognize that dealing with an injury after an auto accident can be incredibly challenging and stressful – from trying to arrange medical care for your recovery to navigating insurance policies for compensation.

That’s why our experienced team of Lakewood Ranch rideshare attorneys is here to provide the support and protection you need every step of the way. With decades of combined experience, our firm understands how Florida’s legal system works when it comes to personal injury cases involving transportation services like Lyft and Uber – so let us help take some of the stress off your plate by providing you with zealous and competent representation.

Relaxed in the backseat with full knowledge of how Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident lawyers can help anytime.

The Cliff Notes: The Key Takeaways From This Page

  • Immediately seek medical attention if you have been involved in a rideshare accident in Lakewood Ranch, Florida.
  • Contact a knowledgeable and experienced Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident attorney as soon as possible to understand your rights and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
  • Personal health insurance may cover your medical expenses initially after an accident, but your auto insurance or the rideshare company’s insurance should be primarily responsible for these costs.
  • The statute of limitations for rideshare accident claims in Florida is two years from the date of the accident – so it’s important to act quickly and seek legal advice.
  • Get in touch with our Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident lawyers today for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will fight tirelessly to ensure a positive outcome for your claim.

Hire A Local Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Rideshare accidents in Florida, specifically in Lakewood Ranch, can be complex due to the involvement of multiple parties and insurance companies. As a local firm, we are intimately familiar with the state, county, and city laws and regulations relevant to these cases.

Our attorneys are adept at navigating the intricate legal processes and insurance claims associated with rideshare accidents. By choosing a local lawyer, you benefit from this knowledge and expertise. Let us represent your interests and seek the compensation you deserve.

Testimonial From A Past Client

Looking for some real social proof before you contact our law firm? We’re happy to share what our clients have to say about their experiences working with our team. Check out this video testimonial.

You’ll find stories of individuals who, like you, were involved in rideshare accidents in Florida, and who now can look forward to a brighter future thanks to the legal support they received from our team.

If You’re Injured In A Rideshare Accident, How Are You Compensated?

After a rideshare accident in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, victims may be entitled to various types of compensation depending on the severity of their injuries and the circumstances of the accident. Here are some key points to understand:

Economic Damages

These are quantifiable costs related to the accident, such as medical expenses, future medical care, loss of earnings, and property damage. If you’ve been involved in a rideshare accident, these damages are often a significant part of the compensation you may claim.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages refer to intangible losses that are harder to put a specific price on, like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and reduction in quality of life. While these damages are less concrete, they’re a critical component of the compensation for most accident victims.

Punitive Damages

Florida law allows for punitive damages in some cases, which are meant to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future. However, these are not common in rideshare accidents, and specific criteria must be met for these damages to be awarded.

It’s important to consult with a skilled Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident lawyer to understand all your potential avenues for compensation.

If The Other Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance, Does It Impact Your Case?

In the event the other involved driver does not have insurance, this could potentially impact your rideshare accident case. However, it’s essential to remember that rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft carry a $1 million liability policy that covers their drivers, passengers, and third parties in the event of an accident. This coverage is in effect from the moment a trip is accepted until it is completed.

Therefore, even if the other driver is uninsured, you may still be able to claim compensation from the rideshare company’s insurance. However, these claims can become complex and contentious, making it crucial to have an experienced Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident attorney advocating for you.

Steps To Take After A Lakewood Ranch Rideshare Accident To Protect Your Rights

Ensure Safety and Seek Medical Attention

Your immediate safety is paramount. If possible, move out of traffic to a safe location. Check on other people involved in the accident and contact emergency services if anyone is injured. Even if you think your injuries are minor, it’s crucial to seek medical attention. Some injuries may not be apparent right away, and a medical report can be important evidence in your claim.

Report the Accident

Report the accident to the local authorities. A police report can provide valuable information and serve as an official record of the event. This will be helpful when you file your rideshare accident claim.

Gather Information

Collect as much information as you can from the scene. This includes the driver’s name, contact information, rideshare company, and insurance details. Also, gather information from any other vehicles involved in the accident. Take photographs of the scene, including damage to vehicles, injuries, road conditions, and any other relevant details.

Contact a Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Specifically speaking, you’re going to want to find a local personal injury lawyer that has experience handling rideshare accident claims. They can guide you through the process of filing a claim, help you understand your rights, and fight for the compensation you deserve. Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to legal matters, so it’s essential to reach out to a lawyer quickly.

Report the Accident to the Rideshare Company

Finally, report the accident to the rideshare company through their app or website. They should be informed about the incident as part of their protocol. Be careful not to give any statements that could potentially jeopardize your claim. It’s advisable to consult with your attorney before making any statements.

Can You Handle A Rideshare Accident Claim Without An Attorney?

Navigating a rideshare accident claim on your own can be a challenging endeavor. The proceedings can get complicated due to the involvement of various parties – the rideshare driver, the rideshare company, and insurance companies. These entities have experienced lawyers working for them, whose chief objective is to mitigate their liability.

As a victim, dealing with these professionals without legal representation could put you at a disadvantage, potentially leading to an unfavorable settlement. Therefore, hiring a knowledgeable and seasoned rideshare accident attorney in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, is highly recommended to ensure your rights are safeguarded and you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve.

$475,000 settlement for a ride-share accident caused by an uninsured motorist

Are Rideshare Accidents More Common In Lakewood Ranch?

Recent figures suggest that rideshare accidents in Florida are rising steadily. Lakewood Ranch, with its high population density and burgeoning tourism industry, has seen a corresponding rise in rideshare traffic. Rideshares can often be seen weaving through the streets as people travel to their destinations. This increased activity is putting more people at risk of being involved in an accident.

Can Lakewood Ranch Rideshare Accident Lawyers Help You Prove Negligence?

Yes, a skilled lawyer can indeed assist you in establishing negligence in a rideshare accident claim. They can help gather relevant evidence, such as traffic camera footage, witness statements, and police reports that can substantiate the liability of the other party.

An attorney can also assist in demonstrating how the at-fault party’s negligence led to the accident, and consequently, your injuries.

In Lakewood Ranch, Florida, seeking professional legal help from a rideshare accident lawyer can ensure a comprehensive investigation into your accident, thereby strengthening your claim for compensation.

Will Your Insurance Cover Your Medical Expenses After A Rideshare Accident?

In many cases, your personal health insurance may cover your medical expenses initially after a rideshare accident in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. However, it’s important to note that your auto insurance or the rideshare company’s insurance should be primarily responsible for these costs.

Navigating the complexities of insurance coverage in rideshare accidents can be daunting. Therefore, it’s advantageous to consult with a proficient rideshare accident attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Statute of Limitations For Rideshare Accident Claims In Lakewood Ranch

In Florida, the statute of limitations for rideshare accident claims has recently undergone a change. The new legislation stipulates a timeline of two years from the date of the accident to file a claim. This is crucial to bear in mind as missing this deadline could potentially bar you from pursuing the compensation you rightly deserve.

The change in law underscores the importance of promptly seeking out a Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident attorney to guide you through the process. Their expertise can ensure that all necessary steps are taken within the prescribed time frame.

We Can Help! Call Our Lakewood Ranch Rideshare Accident Lawyers

If you’ve been involved in a rideshare accident in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, it’s crucial to take immediate and appropriate action. Legal guidance from our experienced and dedicated rideshare accident lawyers can significantly enhance your chances of claiming the compensation you deserve. We are committed to protecting your rights and will fight tirelessly to ensure a positive outcome.

Remember, every second counts and prompt legal support is paramount. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact our Lakewood Ranch rideshare accident lawyers today. Call (727) 821-3195 for a free, no-obligation consultation!

Case Results

See More Case Results

Rideshare Accident on I-275 Highway

Our client was in the back of a ride-share vehicle when they were hit from behind on I-275. The person in that car that hit them had no insurance, but after extensive litigation, we were able to successfully negotiate a settlement under the underinsured motorist coverage and help this lovely client recover for everything she had been through as well as her medical expenses.

Initial Position

Rear end collision


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(727) 821-3195