Tampa Truck Accident Lawyers

“We chose Herman and Wells after having an accident with a semi and it was the best choice I could have made. They were responsive and communicated continuously with me. I can honestly say that Cliff went above and beyond his duty and was excellent. I admire his tenaciousness and drive to fight for their clients. Thank you, Cliff! Thank you, Herman & Wells. You will NOT go wrong choosing them.”

Islia J

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Were you or a loved one injured in an accident caused by a truck driver? If this accident happened in Hillsborough County, you should contact the Tampa Truck Accident Lawyers at Herman & Wells. Whether it’s severe injuries or extensive damages sustained from a truck accident, you should have an experienced attorney in your corner.

Dealing with a commercial trucking company or their insurance provider on your own can be extremely challenging – let us take care of all your legal matters so that you can focus on recovering from your losses. Call (727) 821-3195 or use the online contact form if you’d like to speak with one of our Tampa truck accident lawyers.


Get the key takeaways from this page


Get the key takeaways from this page

Trucks with cautious drivers navigate Florida highways with precision and care.
  • Truck accidents have become a major problem in Tampa, caused by a high number of large commercial vehicles traveling through the city.
  • Common causes of truck accidents in Tampa include driver fatigue, unsafe road conditions, unrealistic delivery deadlines, lack of proper training, distracted driving, inadequate maintenance and improper loading.
  • It is important to seek medical attention after a truck accident in order to receive the compensation deserved for medical bills and pain and suffering.
  • Victims of truck accidents in Tampa have legal rights which include seeking compensation for damages and filing a lawsuit against responsible parties; an experienced lawyer can help protect these rights.
  • Steps to take after a truck accident include checking for injuries, calling the police to file a report, exchanging information with all parties involved, and documenting the scene.
  • Contacting an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible is essential to building a strong case and negotiating with insurance companies.
  • Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and determine how best to help you obtain compensation.


Truck accidents have become a major problem in Tampa, Florida due to the high number of large commercial vehicles that travel through the city every day. The congested roads and highways are often filled with tractor-trailers, including 18-wheelers, semi-trucks, and other large cargo carriers. These vehicles are more difficult to maneuver than traditional passenger cars and can easily cause serious damage in the event of a crash.


Truck accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, but some common causes are:

Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is one of the most common causes of truck accidents in Tampa and across Florida. Truck drivers often travel long distances over days and weeks, making long hours and lack of rest a significant issue. This can lead to drivers being too tired to safely operate their vehicles, or even falling asleep behind the wheel.

Unsafe Road Conditions

Poorly maintained roads or weather conditions like rain, snow, and hail can also lead to truck accidents in Tampa. These road conditions can make it difficult for truck drivers to control their vehicles, or cause them to lose traction and skid.

Unrealistic Delivery Deadlines

Drivers may also be under pressure from employers to tight delivery deadlines, leading them to drive recklessly and take risks that can result in accidents. This is especially true for drivers on long haul routes who can get fatigued while trying to meet their deadlines.

Lack of Proper Training

Drivers should be properly trained and certified in order to operate a truck safely. Unfortunately, some companies do not provide the proper training or have inadequate safety protocols in place. This can lead to drivers making mistakes that can result in truck accidents.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of truck accidents in Tampa. Texting, talking on the phone, or using other forms of electronics while operating a truck can take drivers eyes off the road and increase their risk of getting into an accident.

Inadequate Maintenance

When trucking companies don’t perform regular maintenance on their vehicles, accidents can occur due to brake malfunctions, tire blowouts, and mechanical issues. This is why it is important for trucking companies to regularly maintain their trucks and ensure that they are in good working order.

Improper Loading

An improperly loaded truck can cause the truck to be unbalanced, making it difficult for the driver to control and leading to an accident. This is why it’s important for trucking companies to properly load their trucks in order to avoid accidents.

Hanna Waldhalm
Hanna Waldhalm
May 2, 2024
If you are seemingly up against the impossible Keith Stahl, with Herman and Wells, WILL have your back and he WILL get positive results! I can highly recommend him for whatever the odds are against you!
Kate Adams Chamizo
Kate Adams Chamizo
April 28, 2024
I recently experienced a hit and run auto accident and felt lost and hopeless when it came to next steps. Herman & Wells provided step by step care and made the entire process smooth. Certainly something needed after such a traumatic event. Dara worked with me directly to ensure I had all questions answered and knew the entire process. I was able to hold my car insurance accountable with the help their help. I highly recommend using their services, you won't be disappointed.
nick michailos
nick michailos
April 27, 2024
Keith Stahl represented me, and I couldn't be happier!
Ronnie Kaye
Ronnie Kaye
April 17, 2024
Highly recommended, they worked hard and diligently to get the best outcome possible, ALWAYS answered the phone and always addressed all my concern's. 5 stars!!!!
Zack McMackin
Zack McMackin
April 16, 2024
Bill Demas is an exceptional disability and personal injury claims attorney who tirelessly fights for the rights of his clients. Having had the privilege of collaborating with him on numerous occasions over the years, I have consistently been astounded by his unwavering dedication and unwavering resolve. Bill not only takes the time to attentively listen to his clients' concerns but also ensures they have a comprehensive understanding of the legal process, guiding them every step of the way. His meticulous attention to detail and strategic mindset consistently maximize the chances of achieving a successful outcome. Additionally, Bill's compassion and support extend beyond his legal expertise, as he empathetically understands the emotional toll these situations can have on his clients. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Demas to anyone seeking a disability claims lawyer who will fiercely fight for their rights.
michael grahs
michael grahs
April 5, 2024
Warren did us a huge favor and was extremely honest with his opinion and will definitely use him if needed again.
Chuck Kirk
Chuck Kirk
March 26, 2024
William C. Demas, Esq. Disability, ERISA, Life, and First Party Insurance Attorney. Bill was prepared for the appeal and won our LTD appeal against Lincoln.
Janet Martin
Janet Martin
March 21, 2024
Herman & Wells went above and beyond to help me with my legal problem. Alan Gustafson helped me and always returned my calls and gave sound advice along the way. I highly recommend Herman & Wells.
March 20, 2024
Attorney Bill Demas is someone I would HIGHLY recommend if you are experiencing a disability insurance issue. From the first conversation I had with Bill, he took the time to listen and truly understand my situation and the challenges I was facing. Bill is the most genuine and honest attorney I have ever worked with before. While so many other attorneys treated me as “just another case,” Bill went WAY above and beyond to educate me and most importantly advocate for me. He invested the time I needed and I’ll forever be grateful for his services and support. To anyone reading this, don’t look beyond Herman and Wells and especially Attorney Bill Demas! The entire firm has been professional, helpful and provided an experience that exceeded my expectations. Thank you to Herman & Wells and Attorney Bill Demas!


The injuries sustained in a truck accident can range from relatively minor to devastating and life-changing. Some of the common injuries sustained in a truck accident are:

Soft Tissue Damage

One common type of injury is soft tissue damage. This refers to any damage done to muscles, ligaments, or tendons. This type of injury is usually accompanied by swelling and bruising, and can sometimes be quite painful.

Bone Fractures

Another common type of injury associated with truck accidents is bone fractures. Any bone in your body may be fractured in a collision; common areas for broken bones include the shoulders, arms, ribs, hips, and legs.

Head And Brain Injuries

The head is one of the most vulnerable areas in a truck accident, as it is not protected by seatbelts or airbags. As such, head and brain injuries are very common in truck accidents. These types of traumatic injuries can range from mild to severe and may result in long-term cognitive deficits.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is also at risk of serious injury in a truck accident. Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis, and can have life-altering consequences.

These are just a few examples of the types of injuries that can occur as a result of a truck accident. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, it is important to seek medical and legal assistance as soon as possible.


It is important to seek medical attention after any type of accident, but especially those involving large commercial vehicles. A truck accident lawyer in Tampa can help you understand the full extent of your injuries and will work to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your medical bills and pain and suffering.

Further, seeking medical attention immediately after an accident will allow your medical team to monitor and assess the progress of any injuries sustained. This could be vital in obtaining a proper settlement in the event of a lawsuit.


Truck accidents often involve severe injuries and extensive property damage–now more than ever it’s essential that victims are aware of their rights and obtain appropriate legal representation as soon as possible.


Truck accidents often involve severe injuries and extensive property damage–now more than ever it’s essential that victims are aware of their rights and obtain appropriate legal representation as soon as possible.

Truck accidents are often the result of negligence. In cases involving truck accidents, it is important to determine whether the truck driver or the trucking company is liable for the accident and subsequent damages. A qualified and experienced truck accident lawyer can help victims track down the responsible party, negotiate with insurance companies, and take other necessary steps to ensure that victims receive compensation for their losses.

In Tampa and throughout Florida, victims of truck accidents have a broad range of legal rights. These rights include:

  • The right to seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages stemming from the accident
  • The right to file a lawsuit against responsible parties (e.g., driver or trucking company)
  • The right to receive legal advice and representation from an experienced truck accident lawyer
  • The right to seek punitive damages if the accident was caused by gross negligence
  • The right to appeal a decision made by the court, if necessary


The assistance of a qualified truck accident lawyer is vital in protecting the rights of victims. An experienced attorney can review your case, inform you of your legal rights, and provide sound advice on the best course of action. In addition, an experienced lawyer can help you negotiate with insurance companies, investigate any negligence involved in the accident, and represent you in court, if necessary.


Unfortunately, many truck accident cases involve high costs in medical bills, lost wages due to missed work, and other damages caused by the truck accident. An experienced truck accident lawyer can help you recover these damages and other costs associated with the accident.

In a truck accident lawsuit, damages are awarded based on the type and extent of injuries sustained as a result of the accident. An experienced truck accident lawyer can help you determine the amount of damages you are entitled to receive from the responsible party.


If you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Tampa, it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Knowing what to do after an accident can help make the process easier. Here are some steps you should take if you are involved in a truck accident:

Check Yourself And Others For Injuries

After an accident, it’s important to check yourself and others for any injuries. If you or anyone else is in need of medical attention, call 911 immediately.

Call The Police

After ensuring that everyone involved is safe and healthy, contact the police to report the accident and file a report. A police report will be essential for filing an insurance claim.

Exchange Information

Be sure to exchange information with all other parties involved in the accident. This includes contact information, insurance details, and license plate numbers. It’s also important to get contact information from any witnesses of the accident.

Document The Scene

If it is safe to do so, take pictures of the scene before leaving. These pictures can be used as evidence when filing an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit.


An experienced truck accident lawyer can help you build a strong case by providing essential insight into the legal process. They have knowledge of the applicable laws and regulations, as well as experience in defending clients. A truck accident attorney can also provide valuable advice on how to negotiate with insurance companies and ensure that you get the best possible outcome.


In Tampa, the statute of limitations for filing a truck accident claim is now two years. This means that you must file a claim within two years of the date of the accident. The window to file your lawsuit diminishes quickly when the defendant is a government entity, with as little as six months of allowance. It is essential to act quickly when involved in a truck accident in Tampa to ensure that your legal rights are protected. If you fail to file a claim within this time frame, you may be unable to seek justice and compensation for your losses. A Tampa truck accident lawyer will make sure all appropriate documents crucial to your claim are filed on time.


Yes, there are some exceptions to the statute of limitations for truck accidents in Tampa. For instance:

  • Hidden Injury: If your injuries were not immediately apparent, the statute of limitations may be tolled until such time as your injuries are discovered.
  • Minor: In addition, if you were a minor at the time of the accident, you have four years from your 18th birthday to file a claim.
  • Defendant Out of State: If the defendant was out of state during the relevant period, then there may be an extended period for filing a claim.
  • Incapacitation: Finally, if you were incapacitated at the time of the accident due to head trauma or another condition, then there may be an extended period for filing.
  • Hidden Injury: If your injuries were not immediately apparent, the statute of limitations may be tolled until such time as your injuries are discovered.
  • Minor: In addition, if you were a minor at the time of the accident, you have four years from your 18th birthday to file a claim.
  • Defendant Out of State: If the defendant was out of state during the relevant period, then there may be an extended period for filing a claim.
  • Incapacitation: Finally, if you were incapacitated at the time of the accident due to head trauma or another condition, then there may be an extended period for filing.
$2,050,000 settlement from past truck accident case in Florida.


If you or a loved one was recently involved in a truck accident, then finding the best Tampa truck accident lawyers can be crucial to securing the best results for your case. It is important to work with an attorney who has a strong track record of success handling truck accident cases and understands the complexities of the legal system.

Ask Friends And Family

The first step in finding the best Tampa truck accident lawyers is to ask friends and family members for referrals. Your personal network might have experience with local truck accident lawyers or know of someone who does. You can also check for lawyer reviews online, as these can give you a good indication of how qualified and experienced a truck accident lawyer is.

Research The Firm

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential lawyers, the next step is to research the firm. Look for information about their areas of expertise, as well as any awards or accolades they may have won. Also, check out their website and social media accounts to get an understanding of how active and engaged they are with clients.

Check For Professional Memberships

The best Tampa truck accident lawyers will likely be of professional associations, such as the American Association for Justice or Florida Justice Association. These organizations provide valuable resources and connections to other professionals in the industry. Checking a lawyer’s membership can give you insight into their commitment to their profession.

Schedule A Consultation

Finally, it is important to schedule a consultation with any potential truck accident lawyers. During this meeting, you should be able to get a better sense of their qualifications and experience as well as their communication style. You can also ask any questions you have about fee structures and the timeline for your case. This consultation will help you make an informed decision about which lawyer is best suited for your case.


At the law offices of Herman & Wells, our personal injury lawyers can guide you in obtaining the compensation you deserve. We are dedicated to helping victims affected by truck accidents all over Florida after they have been wrongfully injured. Our legal team is committed to holding negligent parties responsible for their actions.

We offer free consultations to discuss your case and determine how best to help you obtain compensation. If you have been injured in a truck accident, let’s talk. If we can help, our lawyers will work tirelessly to get you the justice and compensation you deserve. Call (727) 821-3195 for your free consultation!


At the law offices of Herman & Wells, our personal injury lawyers can guide you in obtaining the compensation you deserve. We are dedicated to helping victims affected by truck accidents all over Florida after they have been wrongfully injured. Our legal team is committed to holding negligent parties responsible for their actions.

We offer free consultations to discuss your case and determine how best to help you obtain compensation. If you have been injured in a truck accident, let’s talk. If we can help, our lawyers will work tirelessly to get you the justice and compensation you deserve. Call (727) 821-3195 for your free consultation!


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