Clearwater Insurance Dispute Attorneys

“In the beginning it was rough with any suing lawyer. But once we got to know each other, it is a real team that will fight for you. They were patient and did a good job. Settled my case to 95% of my expectation. Will I use them again? Yes. Will I recommend them to friends? Yes. The lawyer that I worked with, his name is Warren, down to earth kind of a person – always took my call, or returned calls as promised.”


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Imagine finally feeling empowered during a serious home insurance dispute with your carrier. That’s the feeling our clients experience when they team up with Herman & Wells Law Firm in Clearwater, Florida. We understand how overwhelming and complex insurance disputes can be, which is why our skilled lawyers are committed to guiding you every step of the way.

If you’re struggling with an insurance dispute claim, don’t navigate this frustrating situation alone. Reach out to our Clearwater insurance dispute lawyers today at (727) 821-3195 for experienced assistance.


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Attorney Jason Herman and Attorney Cliff Wells, managing partners at Herman & Wells Law Firm.
  • Our expertise covers a wide range of insurance disputes including homeowner’s, auto, health, life, and business insurance claims.
  • We follow a clear process involving initial consultation, evidence gathering, claim analysis, negotiation, and litigation if necessary.
  • In Florida, policyholders have specific rights in insurance disputes, including fair response, claim explanation, and appeal options.
  • Key legal aspects such as the two-year statute of limitations are crucial in insurance dispute cases in Florida.
  • Our approach focuses on thorough evidence gathering and developing effective negotiation strategies.
  • We guide clients through the decision between settling out of court for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, or going to trial for potentially more favorable outcomes.
  • Contact Herman & Wells Law Firm for expert guidance and representation in your insurance dispute in Clearwater, Florida.


Selecting the right attorney for your insurance dispute in Clearwater, Florida, is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At Herman & Wells, our attorneys stand out for their unwavering dedication and proven expertise in the field of insurance law.

We combine a deep understanding of local regulations with a personalized approach to each case, ensuring that your unique needs are met with the highest level of professionalism and care. Our track record of successfully resolving insurance disputes speaks for itself, making us a trusted choice for those seeking justice and fair treatment in their insurance claims.


At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we handle a variety of insurance disputes in Clearwater, offering specialized legal guidance for each unique case. Our expertise spans across several types of insurance disputes, ensuring comprehensive support for our clients.

Homeowner’s Insurance Disputes

When dealing with homeowner’s insurance disputes, our team understands the nuances of property damage claims and policy coverage issues. Whether it’s damage from natural disasters or unforeseen accidents, we stand by your side to ensure your home is protected and your rights are upheld.

Auto Insurance Claims

Auto insurance disputes can be complex, involving intricate details about accident liability and coverage. Our attorneys are skilled in navigating these cases, ensuring that you receive fair compensation for any damages or injuries sustained in vehicle accidents.

Health Insurance Claims

Navigating health insurance claims can be particularly challenging. Our lawyers are adept at handling disputes involving denied claims, coverage disagreements, and issues with medical billing. We work tirelessly to ensure you receive the coverage you’re entitled to.

Life Insurance Disputes

In life insurance disputes, we understand the emotional and financial stakes involved. Our team is experienced in resolving issues related to policyholder rights, beneficiary disputes, and claim denials, providing compassionate and effective legal representation.

Business Insurance Claims

Business insurance disputes require a keen understanding of commercial policies and the unique challenges businesses face. From property damage claims to liability disputes, our attorneys are equipped to protect your business interests and help you navigate through complex insurance issues.

Hanna Waldhalm
Hanna Waldhalm
May 2, 2024
If you are seemingly up against the impossible Keith Stahl, with Herman and Wells, WILL have your back and he WILL get positive results! I can highly recommend him for whatever the odds are against you!
Kate Adams Chamizo
Kate Adams Chamizo
April 28, 2024
I recently experienced a hit and run auto accident and felt lost and hopeless when it came to next steps. Herman & Wells provided step by step care and made the entire process smooth. Certainly something needed after such a traumatic event. Dara worked with me directly to ensure I had all questions answered and knew the entire process. I was able to hold my car insurance accountable with the help their help. I highly recommend using their services, you won't be disappointed.
nick michailos
nick michailos
April 27, 2024
Keith Stahl represented me, and I couldn't be happier!
Ronnie Kaye
Ronnie Kaye
April 17, 2024
Highly recommended, they worked hard and diligently to get the best outcome possible, ALWAYS answered the phone and always addressed all my concern's. 5 stars!!!!
Zack McMackin
Zack McMackin
April 16, 2024
Bill Demas is an exceptional disability and personal injury claims attorney who tirelessly fights for the rights of his clients. Having had the privilege of collaborating with him on numerous occasions over the years, I have consistently been astounded by his unwavering dedication and unwavering resolve. Bill not only takes the time to attentively listen to his clients' concerns but also ensures they have a comprehensive understanding of the legal process, guiding them every step of the way. His meticulous attention to detail and strategic mindset consistently maximize the chances of achieving a successful outcome. Additionally, Bill's compassion and support extend beyond his legal expertise, as he empathetically understands the emotional toll these situations can have on his clients. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Demas to anyone seeking a disability claims lawyer who will fiercely fight for their rights.
michael grahs
michael grahs
April 5, 2024
Warren did us a huge favor and was extremely honest with his opinion and will definitely use him if needed again.
Chuck Kirk
Chuck Kirk
March 26, 2024
William C. Demas, Esq. Disability, ERISA, Life, and First Party Insurance Attorney. Bill was prepared for the appeal and won our LTD appeal against Lincoln.
Janet Martin
Janet Martin
March 21, 2024
Herman & Wells went above and beyond to help me with my legal problem. Alan Gustafson helped me and always returned my calls and gave sound advice along the way. I highly recommend Herman & Wells.
March 20, 2024
Attorney Bill Demas is someone I would HIGHLY recommend if you are experiencing a disability insurance issue. From the first conversation I had with Bill, he took the time to listen and truly understand my situation and the challenges I was facing. Bill is the most genuine and honest attorney I have ever worked with before. While so many other attorneys treated me as “just another case,” Bill went WAY above and beyond to educate me and most importantly advocate for me. He invested the time I needed and I’ll forever be grateful for his services and support. To anyone reading this, don’t look beyond Herman and Wells and especially Attorney Bill Demas! The entire firm has been professional, helpful and provided an experience that exceeded my expectations. Thank you to Herman & Wells and Attorney Bill Demas!


At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we follow a structured and effective process for handling insurance disputes in Clearwater. This process is designed to be transparent and straightforward, ensuring our clients are well-informed and involved at every stage.


At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we follow a structured and effective process for handling insurance disputes in Clearwater. This process is designed to be transparent and straightforward, ensuring our clients are well-informed and involved at every stage.

Initial Consultation

Our process begins with an initial consultation, where we listen to your story and assess the details of your insurance dispute. This is a critical step in understanding your specific situation and determining the best course of action. Our goal is to provide you with clear, professional advice and to map out a strategy tailored to your case.

Investigation And Evidence Gathering

Once we take on your case, our team conducts a thorough investigation. We gather all necessary evidence, including policy documents, correspondence with insurance companies, and any other relevant information. This step is essential for building a strong foundation for your claim and ensuring we have all the facts to advocate effectively on your behalf.

Claim Review And Analysis

After collecting all pertinent information, our attorneys will meticulously review and analyze your insurance claim. We assess policy terms, coverage limits, and the insurer’s reasons for denial or underpayment. This analysis is crucial in identifying any discrepancies or unjust practices by the insurance company.

Negotiation With Insurance Companies

Armed with evidence and a comprehensive analysis, we enter into negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf. Our lawyers are skilled negotiators, aiming to reach a fair settlement without the need for litigation. We advocate tirelessly for your rights, striving to secure the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Litigation (If Necessary)

If a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached, we are fully prepared to take your case to court. Our experienced litigators are adept at navigating the legal system and will represent you with tenacity and professionalism. We stand by our clients throughout the entire legal process, ensuring your voice is heard and your interests are protected.

$200,500 settlement from past life insurance claim dispute case in Florida.


Insurance disputes in Clearwater can arise from a variety of situations. Understanding these common causes can help you navigate the complexities of an insurance dispute with greater awareness and preparedness. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we frequently encounter and adeptly handle these issues for our clients.

Claim Denials

One of the most frequent causes of insurance disputes is claim denial. Insurers may deny claims for several reasons, such as alleging that the damage is not covered under the policy or that the policyholder failed to meet certain conditions. We scrutinize these denials to ensure that insurance companies are not unjustly withholding benefits.

Underpayment Of Claims

Underpayment occurs when an insurance company acknowledges the claim but offers compensation that is significantly less than what is required to cover the loss. This can be particularly frustrating for policyholders. Our attorneys are skilled in negotiating and fighting for the full value of your claim.

Delayed Claims Processing

Insurance companies sometimes delay the processing of claims, causing unnecessary hardship for policyholders. This can be due to inefficiencies or intentional stalling. Our firm takes decisive action to expedite these delayed processes, ensuring that your claim is handled in a timely manner.

Disagreement Over Policy Interpretation

Disputes often arise from differing interpretations of policy language. What is covered and to what extent can be points of contention. Our lawyers have the expertise to interpret policy language accurately and advocate for a fair application of the policy terms.

Bad Faith Practices

Bad faith practices refer to situations where the insurer is unreasonable or unfair in handling your claim. This could include unjustified denial of coverage, failure to communicate important information, or not conducting a proper investigation. Our firm is committed to holding insurance companies accountable for such actions.


In Florida, policyholders have specific rights when it comes to insurance disputes. These include the right to a fair and timely response to your claim, the right to a clear explanation of any claim denials or underpayments, and the right to challenge and appeal decisions made by your insurance company. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we are dedicated to ensuring that these rights are not just theoretical, but are actively upheld and defended. Our Clearwater-based team provides expert guidance to help you understand and assert your rights, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you are entitled to.


Navigating the legal landscape of insurance disputes in Florida requires an understanding of specific state laws and regulations. A key aspect to keep in mind is the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit in an insurance dispute, which in Florida is two years. This means that you have two years from the date of the incident or discovery of the loss to take legal action. This timeframe is critical for safeguarding your rights and ensuring your case is heard.

At Herman & Wells Law Firm, our attorneys are well-versed in Florida’s insurance laws and are committed to helping you effectively navigate these legal waters. We ensure that all necessary actions are taken within legal deadlines, and work diligently to provide the best legal representation for your insurance dispute in Clearwater.


To successfully resolve an insurance dispute in Clearwater, building a strong, evidence-based case is crucial. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we focus on two key areas to fortify your position and enhance your chances of a favorable outcome.

An insurance agent explains the policy to Florida homeowners.

Gathering And Presenting Evidence

The foundation of a compelling insurance dispute case lies in gathering and effectively presenting the right evidence. This includes collecting policy documents, correspondence with insurance companies, photos of damages, repair estimates, and any other relevant documentation. Our team meticulously compiles and organizes this evidence to create a clear and persuasive narrative for your claim. We also work with experts when necessary to provide additional insights and validations for your case, ensuring that every angle is thoroughly covered.

Effective Negotiation Strategies

Negotiation plays a pivotal role in resolving insurance disputes. Our attorneys are adept at developing effective negotiation strategies tailored to each case. This involves a deep understanding of insurance law, skilled communication, and a strategic approach to dealing with insurance companies. We aim to negotiate a fair settlement that adequately covers your losses and respects your rights. However, should negotiations not yield the desired outcome, our team is fully prepared to represent your interests in court, leveraging our evidence and legal expertise to fight for your cause.

In every step of building your case, Herman & Wells Law Firm combines legal proficiency with a client-centered approach, ensuring your insurance dispute is handled with the utmost diligence and care.


When faced with an insurance dispute in Clearwater, you have two primary pathways to resolution: settling the dispute out of court or taking the matter to trial. Each option has its own set of considerations and potential outcomes.

Settling Out Of Court

Settling an insurance dispute outside of court is often the preferred route due to its potential for a quicker, less costly resolution. This process involves negotiation between your attorney and the insurance company to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we strive to secure a fair settlement that adequately compensates for your losses, saving you the time and expense of a court trial. Our experienced negotiators work diligently to ensure your best interests are represented and upheld during these negotiations.

Going To Court

In some cases, if a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, taking the dispute to court becomes necessary. This process can be more time-consuming and expensive, but it may be the best course of action to achieve the justice and compensation you deserve. Our skilled litigators are well-prepared to represent you in court, presenting a strong case backed by solid evidence and legal arguments. We guide our clients through every step of the legal process, ensuring they are well-informed and confident in the representation they receive.

The decision between settling out of court or going to trial depends on various factors, including the specifics of your case, the stance of the insurance company, and your personal circumstances. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we provide comprehensive counsel to help you make the best decision for your situation, ensuring that your rights and interests are at the forefront of our strategy.


Settlement negotiations are a critical component of resolving insurance disputes in Clearwater, and they offer several distinct benefits. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we emphasize the value of these negotiations for our clients for several reasons.

Speed And Efficiency

Settlement negotiations typically lead to a faster resolution compared to the duration of court proceedings. This efficiency is particularly beneficial in insurance disputes, where timely resolution can be crucial. By engaging in negotiations, you can often avoid the lengthy process of trial preparation, court dates, and potential appeals.


Engaging in settlement negotiations can be more cost-effective than going to trial. Legal fees, court costs, and other expenses associated with a trial can accumulate quickly, making negotiation a more economical choice. Our team at Herman & Wells Law Firm is conscious of these financial considerations and strives to resolve disputes in a way that minimizes your expenses.

Control And Predictability

Settlement negotiations offer more control over the outcome. In a trial, the final decision is in the hands of a judge or jury, which can introduce a degree of unpredictability. By negotiating, both parties have the opportunity to discuss their perspectives and reach a mutually agreeable solution, providing more predictability and a sense of shared control over the resolution.


Negotiations are typically private, whereas court proceedings are public. For clients who prefer discretion, settling a dispute through negotiation can ensure that the details of their case remain confidential. This aspect can be particularly important in sensitive matters or where privacy is a priority.

Customized Solutions

Negotiations allow for more flexible and creative solutions tailored to the specific needs and interests of both parties. Unlike a court ruling, which is generally more rigid, a negotiated settlement can include unique terms that better address the specific situation of the involved parties.


Considering litigation in an insurance dispute becomes necessary when settlement negotiations reach an impasse, or the insurance company fails to offer a fair and just resolution. At Herman & Wells Law Firm, we recommend litigation as a course of action when we believe it is the best strategy to protect your rights and interests. Our experienced attorneys are prepared to take your case to court, armed with a meticulously prepared argument and a commitment to securing the best possible outcome for you in Clearwater.


Dealing with insurance disputes requires not just knowledge but also a strategic approach, and that’s where Herman & Wells Law Firm steps in. Our Clearwater-based team is here to offer unparalleled legal assistance, ensuring that your journey through the complexities of insurance litigation is smooth and successful.

We are dedicated to advocating for your interests, striving relentlessly to secure the outcomes you rightfully deserve. Confronted with an insurance dispute in Florida? Let us be your trusted partner. Reach out to us to arrange a consultation, and embark on a path towards an effective resolution with our proficient and committed legal team by your side.


Dealing with insurance disputes requires not just knowledge but also a strategic approach, and that’s where Herman & Wells Law Firm steps in. Our Clearwater-based team is here to offer unparalleled legal assistance, ensuring that your journey through the complexities of insurance litigation is smooth and successful.

We are dedicated to advocating for your interests, striving relentlessly to secure the outcomes you rightfully deserve. Confronted with an insurance dispute in Florida? Let us be your trusted partner. Reach out to us to arrange a consultation, and embark on a path towards an effective resolution with our proficient and committed legal team by your side.


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