If you live in the Sunshine State, there’s a good chance you spend time at a pool—either your own, a friend’s, or at a public facility. We’re lucky enough to have warm weather year-round, and swimming is a great way to cool off and stay active.  A visit to a pool should be relaxing, fun, and, most of all, safe. Sadly, pool accidents happen more often than you think.

According to the state’s Department of Health, Florida has the highest rate of drownings in the U.S. for children aged one to four, and the second-highest rate for children aged one to 14. While these statistics are unfortunate, they don’t tell the whole story of pool accidents in Florida. Adults and teenagers drown, too. And while devastating, drownings are not the only pool-related accidents that can have lifelong effects.

Read on to learn more about the specific factors that can affect the amount you can receive after a car accident and how a qualified injury lawyer can help you achieve a significantly better outcome.

Man takes pictures he'll use to get a better car accident settlement in Florida.

The Cliff Notes: Key Takeaways From This Post

  • 1
    Working with a personal injury attorney is beneficial in any personal injury lawsuit.
  • 2
    An experienced lawyer can help you navigate decisions, build a strong case to achieve rightful settlement, and provide access to resources regarding the impacts of an accident.
  • 3
    The amount of a car accident settlement is dependent on its unique circumstances (negligence, damages, impact of drugs/alcohol, insurance coverage, severity of injuries, etc.).
  • 4
    A personal injury attorney will go through fundamental steps to represent you in your settlement: Notification Letter; Reservation of Rights; Demand Letter; Adjuster’s Response; Negotiation Process; Final Negotiations; Acceptance & Signing.
  • 5
    Once the settlement agreement has been signed, it should take a couple weeks to receive the financial compensation.
  • 6
    Reach out to Herman & Wells for free consultation and representation in Florida if you’ve suffered injuries due to a car accident.

Why You Should Work With a Personal Injury Attorney

In most scenarios, the best thing to do after a car accident is to settle out of court. However, every personal injury lawsuit has a unique set of circumstances surrounding the accident, and settling out of court is not always the best choice or even possible. If you’ve already been injured in an auto accident, you don’t want to leave your fate up in the air. What you need is a qualified and aggressive attorney who is ready to go the extra mile for you in your personal injury lawsuit.

While almost 90% of personal injury cases don’t go to trial, it’s still in your favor to hire an experienced attorney to represent you in your personal injury lawsuit. In the chance that your case is the 1 out of 10 that makes it to the courtroom, having a qualified lawyer with previous trial experience will prove to be beneficial for your case and settlement outcome. Having a personal injury lawyer also allows you access to an individual that can help you navigate the many difficult decisions that you will come across as you pursue your claim.

Ultimately, finding a qualified attorney to work with should be one of your top priorities when filing a personal injury lawsuit following a car accident. An experienced personal injury attorney will be able to guide you through the process of navigating the monetary impact of your accident, the loss of wages and inability to work, the psychological impact of the accident, the physical impact of the accident, as well as the impact the accident has had on your family and loved ones. The goal of your personal injury attorney is to help you use these elements to make a strong case against the defendant, which will, in turn, help you achieve your rightful settlement.

$700,000 settlement for a rear end car accident at a red light.

What is the Average Car Accident Settlement in Florida?

While it would be great to know how much compensation you can expect to receive in your car accident settlement, there is really no cut and dried answer. Every accident and settlement is based on a unique set of circumstances, making it nearly impossible to come up with an average settlement amount for Florida car accidents. However, there are some key factors that will be taken into consideration when it comes to your specific settlement.

  • Any contributing negligence of the defendant or of the injured party.
  • The extent of impact and damages.
  • The involvement of drugs or alcohol in the accident.
  • Amount of available bodily injury insurance coverage of the at-fault driver.
  • The severity of the injuries you sustained in the accident.
  • The extent of your pre-existing injuries.
  • Your ability to prove that the accident caused your injuries.
  • The full extent of the damages you received regarding your pain, suffering, lost wages, and medical bills.

Settlement amounts are highly contextual, and the settlement amount you receive will significantly be based on the aforementioned factors.