Florida Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

“If you are looking for a law firm that is highly responsive and professional from start to finish, I’d thoroughly recommend Herman and Wells! They are a true pleasure to work with. Their entire team is professional, empathetic, and committed to helping their clients and their families recover from a loss.”

Leslie T

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As an unwritten rule, most Floridians know to look both ways before crossing the street even if it has a traffic light or stop sign. Unfortunately, not all drivers observe safe driving practices leaving pedestrians at risk for serious injury or fatality due to collisions involving cars and other motor vehicles. Pedestrian accidents are frighteningly common and can have significant impacts on your health, safety, finances and overall well being – not just physically but mentally as well.

If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident caused by negligent behavior from another driver then you may benefit from seeking legal assistance from experienced Florida pedestrian accident lawyers who understand how devastating these types of occurrences can be. At Herman & Wells we have dedicated personal injury attorneys who specialize in pedestrian accidents and are here to guide you through your legal options. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.


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Get the key takeaways from this page

Shadows of a couple in the crosswalk highlight the risk of accidents at a Florida intersection.
  • If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, Florida laws state that you have the legal right to seek compensation for your injuries.
  • The statute of limitations for a pedestrian accident claim in Florida is now 2 years, so it’s important to act quickly.
  • If you’re looking to hire a lawyer be sure to research their experience and qualifications. Does the law firm have any past experience handling pedestrian accident claims?
  • Consider the lawyer’s communication style, availability, and fees before making a decision.
  • Look for referrals and reviews from family and friends or online sources to make an informed decision.
  • Contact Herman & Wells law firm for a free consultation if you or someone you know has been involved in a pedestrian accident. Taking action now is essential to protecting your legal rights and pursuing justice!


Florida is one of the most dangerous states in the country when it comes to pedestrian accidents. In 2018, 2,541 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes across the United States and 613 of those fatalities occurred in Florida alone. This accounted for over 23% of all pedestrian deaths that year, far exceeding the national average. Florida remained one of the deadliest states for pedestrians in the United States, with over 600 pedestrian fatalities in 2021. The number of pedestrian accidents have been on the rise since then.

A woman lies injured in the pedestrian lane after being struck by a car.


If you have been in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. A qualified lawyer can help you understand all the legal rights that you may be entitled to and establish who was at fault for your injuries. By taking this step, you can ensure that you receive the financial compensation that you deserve.

Hanna Waldhalm
Hanna Waldhalm
May 2, 2024
If you are seemingly up against the impossible Keith Stahl, with Herman and Wells, WILL have your back and he WILL get positive results! I can highly recommend him for whatever the odds are against you!
Kate Adams Chamizo
Kate Adams Chamizo
April 28, 2024
I recently experienced a hit and run auto accident and felt lost and hopeless when it came to next steps. Herman & Wells provided step by step care and made the entire process smooth. Certainly something needed after such a traumatic event. Dara worked with me directly to ensure I had all questions answered and knew the entire process. I was able to hold my car insurance accountable with the help their help. I highly recommend using their services, you won't be disappointed.
nick michailos
nick michailos
April 27, 2024
Keith Stahl represented me, and I couldn't be happier!
Ronnie Kaye
Ronnie Kaye
April 17, 2024
Highly recommended, they worked hard and diligently to get the best outcome possible, ALWAYS answered the phone and always addressed all my concern's. 5 stars!!!!
Zack McMackin
Zack McMackin
April 16, 2024
Bill Demas is an exceptional disability and personal injury claims attorney who tirelessly fights for the rights of his clients. Having had the privilege of collaborating with him on numerous occasions over the years, I have consistently been astounded by his unwavering dedication and unwavering resolve. Bill not only takes the time to attentively listen to his clients' concerns but also ensures they have a comprehensive understanding of the legal process, guiding them every step of the way. His meticulous attention to detail and strategic mindset consistently maximize the chances of achieving a successful outcome. Additionally, Bill's compassion and support extend beyond his legal expertise, as he empathetically understands the emotional toll these situations can have on his clients. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Demas to anyone seeking a disability claims lawyer who will fiercely fight for their rights.
michael grahs
michael grahs
April 5, 2024
Warren did us a huge favor and was extremely honest with his opinion and will definitely use him if needed again.
Chuck Kirk
Chuck Kirk
March 26, 2024
William C. Demas, Esq. Disability, ERISA, Life, and First Party Insurance Attorney. Bill was prepared for the appeal and won our LTD appeal against Lincoln.
Janet Martin
Janet Martin
March 21, 2024
Herman & Wells went above and beyond to help me with my legal problem. Alan Gustafson helped me and always returned my calls and gave sound advice along the way. I highly recommend Herman & Wells.
March 20, 2024
Attorney Bill Demas is someone I would HIGHLY recommend if you are experiencing a disability insurance issue. From the first conversation I had with Bill, he took the time to listen and truly understand my situation and the challenges I was facing. Bill is the most genuine and honest attorney I have ever worked with before. While so many other attorneys treated me as “just another case,” Bill went WAY above and beyond to educate me and most importantly advocate for me. He invested the time I needed and I’ll forever be grateful for his services and support. To anyone reading this, don’t look beyond Herman and Wells and especially Attorney Bill Demas! The entire firm has been professional, helpful and provided an experience that exceeded my expectations. Thank you to Herman & Wells and Attorney Bill Demas!


In Florida, pedestrian accidents are very common. They can happen because of things like drivers not paying attention, drivers going too fast or not stopping when they should, and drivers not looking out for people walking. They can also be caused by pedestrians not paying attention or crossing the street in unsafe places.

Pedestrian accidents can occur in a variety of settings, including crosswalks, intersections, and parking lots. Drivers often fail to yield right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks and intersections, or fail to come to a complete stop. It is important for any pedestrian accident victims to understand the cause of their accident in order to determine legal liability for their injuries.


When a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, the resulting injuries can be catastrophic and life-changing. Common types of injuries sustained in pedestrian accidents in Florida include:

  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord damage

These types of injuries often require extensive rehabilitative care, physical therapy, and even long-term medical attention. Severe pedestrian accidents can also lead to permanent disability or even death.


First and foremost, seeking medical attention is the best way to ensure your health and safety. Even if you don’t experience any visible signs of physical trauma, a trained healthcare professional can detect underlying issues that may arise after the event has occurred.

It’s also important to remember that even minor injuries can cause long-term issues, pain, or mobility issues if not treated properly. Seeking medical attention allows doctors and healthcare professionals to diagnose any problems quickly and provide the necessary treatment to help you heal.

Finally, seeking medical attention after a pedestrian accident in Florida is also important for establishing legal protection. If you go to a doctor soon after the incident, they can document any injuries or other health issues that resulted from the event. This documentation can then be used as evidence if you ever need to file a legal claim for compensation or other damages.


If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to understand your legal rights.


If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to understand your legal rights.

As a pedestrian, you have the right to seek compensation from the driver who was at fault for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Under Florida law, pedestrians who are injured in a car accident caused by the carelessness of a driver may be able to recover both economic and non-economic damages.

  • Economic damages include medical bills, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, property damage, and other financial losses.
  • Non-economic damages can include pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, disability or loss of quality of life.
  • Economic damages include medical bills, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, property damage, and other financial losses.
  • Non-economic damages can include pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, disability or loss of quality of life.

Florida law requires drivers to exercise reasonable care when driving near pedestrians. This means that drivers must take precautions to avoid causing injury to those on foot, including stopping or yielding the right of way, obeying traffic signals, and avoiding distractions such as texting while driving. If a driver fails to use reasonable care in these situations, they may be held liable for any injuries caused.

How To Recover Damages For Medical Expenses, Lost Wages, Pain & Suffering

If you or someone you love has been injured in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to talk with an experienced Florida pedestrian accident lawyer who can evaluate your claim and help you recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and suffering.


If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident, it is important to understand the specific steps that should be taken in order to protect your rights and pursue any potential legal claims. Here is an outline of what to do if you suffer an injury as a result of an unfortunate pedestrian incident in Florida:

Seek Medical Attention

The most important step is to seek medical attention for any injuries you or your loved one may have suffered. Even if the injuries are not immediately apparent, it is still important to be examined by a doctor to rule out any potential long-term health problems that could arise.

Document the Accident

Take as many photos as possible of the scene and any visible damage to your person or property. In addition, if there were any witnesses to the accident, make sure to get their contact information in case they are needed for future reference. It’s important to gather this evidence so that you can build a strong case for your pedestrian accident claim.

Report the Accident

You should report the incident to local authorities so that it can be properly documented. This will also ensure that you have a record of what happened.

Contact a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

If the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, it is important to speak to a pedestrian accident lawyer to discuss your legal rights and potential compensation. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the complexities of Florida law and ensure that your rights are protected.

By following these steps, you can protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of a pedestrian accident in Florida. If you have any further questions about what to do after a pedestrian accident, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney who can provide additional guidance.

$425,000 settlement for past pedestrian accident case in Florida.


When faced with a pedestrian accident, it is best to contact a qualified attorney as soon as possible. Taking legal action after an accident can be complex and time-sensitive, so the sooner you begin working with an experienced lawyer, the better.

Searching for experienced personal injury lawyers in Florida? Our law firm has experienced attorneys that are ready to help people in Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater, Seminole, Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, and Sarasota.


If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to be aware of the statute of limitations that applies to your claim. The statute of limitations for filing a pedestrian accident claim in Florida was recently shortened from 4 years to 2 years from the date of the accident.


If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to be aware of the statute of limitations that applies to your claim. The statute of limitations for filing a pedestrian accident claim in Florida was recently shortened from 4 years to 2 years from the date of the accident.

This means that any action or lawsuit seeking damages or compensation must be filed within this two-year window, or your legal rights may be forfeited. After sustaining an injury in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it is important to act quickly in order to ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you receive the full amount of compensation you may be entitled to.

Are There Exceptions To The Statute Of Limitations For Pedestrian Accidents?

There are exceptions to the statute of limitations that may result in an extension of time to file. For example, if the injured pedestrian was under 18 at the time of the accident, then they may be able to file a lawsuit at any time before they are 24 years old. In Florida, the statute of limitations for a case involving minors is four years after their 18th birthday, so it is important to keep this in mind when seeking legal representation if you or someone you know has been involved in a pedestrian accident.


If you are involved in a pedestrian accident in Florida, it can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Dealing with the legal process, filing claims, and obtaining fair compensation can be complicated, and you may need the assistance of a pedestrian accident lawyer. Here are some quick tips on how to find the best Florida pedestrian accident lawyers:

Research Their Experience and Qualifications

When looking for a pedestrian accident lawyer, it is crucial to consider their experience and qualifications. Look for a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law, particularly pedestrian accidents. They should have a track record of successful cases and be familiar with the legal process and laws specific to Florida.

Consider Their Communication Style

Another essential factor to consider is communication. A good pedestrian accident lawyer should be responsive, communicative, and keep you informed throughout the legal process. They should also be compassionate and empathetic towards your situation.

Consider Their Availability and Fees

Additionally, consider the lawyer’s availability and fees. A good pedestrian accident lawyer should be available to answer your questions and provide updates on your case. They should also be transparent about their fees and provide you with a clear understanding of the costs involved. Most lawyers work on a contingency basis which means they only get paid if they successfully win your case.

Look to Referrals and Reviews

Finally, it is a good idea to look for referrals and reviews when selecting a pedestrian accident lawyer. Reach out to family and friends for recommendations, or check online for client testimonials and ratings. This can help you make an informed decision about which lawyer may be best suited to handle your case.

In conclusion, finding the best Florida pedestrian accident lawyer requires careful consideration and research. Look for a lawyer with experience, qualifications, good communication skills, availability, and transparent fees. With the right lawyer by your side, you can navigate the legal process and obtain fair compensation for your injuries.


In conclusion, understanding your legal rights after a pedestrian accident in Florida is crucial. The best way to do this is to talk to an experienced lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and help you obtain fair compensation for your injuries. At Herman & Wells law firm, our Florida pedestrian accident lawyers are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients and their families.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident, don’t hesitate to call us at (727) 821-3195 for a free consultation. We are here to help you protect your legal rights and seek justice for your injuries. Remember, taking action now is essential to ensuring you receive the compensation you need to move forward!


In conclusion, understanding your legal rights after a pedestrian accident in Florida is crucial. The best way to do this is to talk to an experienced lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and help you obtain fair compensation for your injuries. At Herman & Wells law firm, our Florida pedestrian accident lawyers are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients and their families.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident, don’t hesitate to call us at (727) 821-3195 for a free consultation. We are here to help you protect your legal rights and seek justice for your injuries. Remember, taking action now is essential to ensuring you receive the compensation you need to move forward!


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