Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyers

Are you a business owner in Tampa, Florida with questions about filing an insurance claim? Asserting your rights and ensuring your legal interests are being represented require the expertise of knowledgeable counsel. Protecting yourself is paramount during this difficult time, and having professional advice from experienced Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyers can be essential to obtaining the outcome you deserve.

Here at Herman & Wells, our team has extensive experience successfully defending business owners’ claims against uncertain insurers—and we’re here to help you too! Keep reading to find out more about what our law firm can do for you.

Business woman consults with a Tampa commercial insurance claim lawyer.

The Cliff Notes: Key Takeaways From This Page

  • Effective negotiation is crucial in securing a fair settlement for your commercial insurance claim.
  • It’s essential to seek legal guidance and representation as soon as possible after experiencing damage or loss.
  • Herman & Wells has a proven track record of success in handling commercial claims in Tampa.
  • Our team specializes in serving various sectors in Tampa, including tourism, hospitality, real estate, healthcare, and technology.
  • We offer tailored legal solutions and have a deep understanding of Tampa’s commercial landscape.
  • Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team and let us fight for your rights and fair compensation.

The Landscape Of Commercial Insurance Claims In Tampa

Tampa, Florida boasts a dynamic and diverse business landscape, with sectors ranging from tourism and hospitality to real estate, healthcare, technology, and more. Each of these sectors carries unique risks and potential for losses that may necessitate the filing of commercial insurance claims.

The unpredictable nature of some events, such as natural disasters common in Florida, heightens the necessity for comprehensive insurance coverage.

Challenges Faced By Tampa Businesses After Filing Insurance Claims

Claim Denials And Delays

One of the most frustrating experiences for Tampa businesses after filing insurance claims is dealing with claim denials and delays. Insurance companies may refuse a claim due to various reasons like policy exclusions, late filing, or insufficient documentation. These denials can be overwhelming for businesses already dealing with the aftermath of a loss.

Delays, on the other hand, lead to prolonged uncertainty, affecting the financial stability and operational efficiency of businesses. Understanding and tackling these challenges require the expertise of seasoned Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyers, like our team at Herman & Wells, to ensure these issues are properly addressed and your rights are protected.

Inadequate Settlement Offers

An unfortunate reality for many Tampa businesses dealing with insurance claims is receiving inadequate settlement offers. Insurance companies often attempt to minimize their payout by disputing the severity of the damage or the estimated cost of repairs. This practice can leave businesses unable to fully recover their losses, putting them in a financially precarious position.

Moreover, such lowball offers can hinder the restoration of operations, ultimately impacting the business’s growth and stability. Therefore, it is crucial to engage a skilled Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyer, such as the professionals at Herman & Wells, to fight for a fair settlement that truly covers your losses.

New 2023 Statute Of Limitations For Commercial Insurance Claims In Florida

The landscape of Florida’s commercial insurance has undergone significant changes, with a particular impact on businesses in Tampa. A key alteration is the shortening of the statute of limitations from 4 years to 2 years for filing claims. This shift necessitates swift, informed action from businesses dealing with insurance claims.

Businesses must file promptly while ensuring all documentation is in order, underlining the need for experienced legal assistance. Understanding these changes can be challenging, but our expert team at Herman & Wells is ready to guide you through the process.

Image showing legal consultation process for commercial property insurance claims

How Can Tampa Insurance Claim Lawyers Help My Business?

Legal Expertise And Insight

Navigating the labyrinth of insurance claims requires a deep understanding of the law, policy specifics, and extensive experience. Our team at Herman & Wells possesses the expertise to interpret complex policy terms, identify potential claim issues, and construct strong cases to counter unjust claim denials or inadequate settlements. We offer comprehensive legal guidance to Tampa businesses, ensuring that they receive their rightful claim amount to recover from their losses and continue thriving.

Negotiation And Representation

Effective negotiation with insurance companies is a critical factor in securing a fair settlement. Our Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyers are adept at negotiating on your behalf, armed with the compelling evidence and legal arguments needed to refute unjust denials or lowball settlement offers. We will tirelessly represent your interests, ensuring that your insurance claim is treated with the seriousness it deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions About Commercial Insurance Claims in Tampa

What Is The Process For Filing A Commercial Insurance Claim In Tampa?

A: The process for filing a commercial insurance claim in Tampa, Florida can be intricate, requiring several key steps. This involves notifying your insurer about the loss or damage, providing detailed documentation, filing the claim promptly, and negotiating the settlement. Engaging a Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyer can help you navigate this process effectively, ensuring all necessary steps are taken.

When Should I Get In Touch With A Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyer?

A: The ideal time to contact a Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyer is as soon as possible after experiencing a loss or damage. Early legal guidance can ensure your claim is properly documented and filed without delay, enhancing your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

How Can Herman & Wells Help My Business With Insurance Claims?

A: Herman & Wells can provide expert legal advice, handling all aspects of your insurance claim process, from interpreting policy specifics to negotiating with insurers. Our team is committed to protecting your business rights and interests, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve to recover from your losses.

What If My Insurance Claim Has Been Denied?

A: If your insurance claim has been denied, your first step should be to contact a Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyer. At Herman & Wells, we can review your claim, identify any issues that led to the denial, and help you construct a robust case to contest the denial.

Why Herman & Wells Stands Out in Tampa’s Legal Community

Proven Success In Tampa’s Commercial Claims

Herman & Wells has a proven track record of success in handling commercial claims in Tampa. Our seasoned team of lawyers has a deep understanding of the local market, enabling us to provide effective, customized legal solutions. A notable case we handled involved a client whose insurance company had offered a meager $94 for significant damages to their commercial building due to Hurricane Michael.

The insurance company initially claimed the damage was primarily due to wear and tear, and thus not covered by their policy. However, our rigorous legal strategy led us to contest this position in court, which resulted in the jury ruling in our client’s favor with a substantial award of $717,523.94. This case underscores our commitment to advocating for our clients’ rights, ensuring they receive the fair compensation they are entitled to.

$717,523.94 settlement for a commercial insurance dispute on property damage caused by Hurricane Michael

Schedule A Consultation With Our Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyers

In conclusion, navigating the complexities of Florida commercial insurance claims is a task that can be quite challenging, especially when dealing with insurance companies that may not have your best interests at heart. However, with Herman & Wells, you have a partner with a wealth of local knowledge and legal expertise on your side.

Don’t let the intimidating process of filing an insurance claim deter you from pursuing the compensation you deserve. Remember, the earlier you engage with a Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyer, the better your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

We encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team at Herman & Wells. Our Tampa Commercial Insurance Claim Lawyers are ready to guide you through the claims process and fight for your rights. Don’t wait —contact us and let us help you recover your losses and protect your business. Call (727) 821-3195 to schedule a free consultation today!

Case Results

See More Case Results

Underpaid Commercial Insurance Claim

Hurricane winds damaged our client’s apartment complex, causing roof damage and interior water damage.  The insurance company paid $100,000, which was not enough money to cover the cost of repairs.  We filed a lawsuit against the insurance company and recovered an additional $228,000 for our client, bringing the total payment up to $328,000.  This allowed our client to fully repair the storm damage.

Initial Position



Underpaid Commercial Fire Loss

A fire damaged our client’s restaurant, destroying equipment and causing smoke and heat damage.  The insurance company only paid $10,000, despite evidence of significantly worse damage.  The restaurant owners hired our law firm and we were able to recover an additional $170,000 from the insurance company.

Initial Position



Call us today for a Free Case Evaluation

(727) 821-3195