Hurricane Michael Insurance Claims

Was Your Hurricane Michael Insurance Claim Denied?

Was your home or property damaged by Hurricane Michael? Following a catastrophic event like this, it’s not uncommon for insurance companies to adopt tactics that could leave homeowners in a bad spot. A valid hurricane claim could get denied or underpaid and impacted homeowners might not know what they should (or could) do to respond.  One of the best decisions you can make is to contact an insurance dispute attorney that is experienced with Hurricane Michael claims.  Herman & Wells has a team of attorneys that are highly experienced in responding to denied or underpaid insurance claims in Florida.

We offer a complimentary case review so you’ll have an opportunity to go over the details of your Hurricane Michael insurance claim. This is a great opportunity because you get to speak directly with an insurance law expert, learn if you have a viable case (or not), and it won’t cost you anything. That’s an incredible amount of value, even if you choose not to hire our firm. If our insurance dispute attorneys aren’t able to take on your case, we’d still take the opportunity to provide valuable insights on the next steps you should take.

Insurance Dispute Attorneys for Hurricane Michael Claims Disputes

Our insurance dispute attorneys also happen to be Florida homeowners who understand what it feels like when their home is in the path of a dangerous hurricane. It’s always our goal to get you through the process of dealing with your insurance company as quickly and smoothly as possible. Clear and direct communication is essential to how our firm operates with each of our clients. So expect to be kept in the loop about what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and how your case is progressing overall.

$717,523.94 settlement for a commercial insurance dispute on property damage caused by Hurricane Michael

Contact us for a free evaluation or call us directly at (727) 821-3195. We’ll have a quick, commitment-free conversation about your Hurricane Michael insurance claim and what we might be able to do to help you.

Please note: Our firm is only able to take on cases in Florida and Georgia. If you filed a claim in a different state, our attorneys unfortunately will not be able to take on your case.

Herman & Wells are experts in:

Case Results

See More Case Results

Denied Hurricane Claim

Our client’s tile roof was damaged by debris hitting it during a hurricane. The insurance company refused to pay anything. We sued and recovered for our client.

Initial Position



Denied Roof Damage Claim

Our client’s roof leaked and caused her ceiling to cave in. The insurance company denied the claim, saying that the damage was from wear and tear. We filed a lawsuit for our client and reached a settlement.

Initial Position



Call us today for a Free Case Evaluation

(727) 821-3195