Lakewood Ranch Parking Lot Accident Lawyers

Are you looking for an experienced Lakewood Ranch attorney to represent you after a parking lot accident? The legal team at Herman & Wells provides clients with skilled and compassionate service. Our attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with the unique challenges of parking lot accidents, and we strive to ensure that our clients get the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to.

We understand that parking lot accidents can be traumatic experiences and that the process of filing a claim and seeking legal action can seem daunting. That’s why our team is here to provide you with the support and guidance you need every step of the way.

Not properly checking blind spots while maneuvering can cause a sudden Lakewood ranch parking lot accident.

The Cliff Notes: The Key Takeaways From This Page

  • Seek medical attention immediately after a parking lot accident in Lakewood Ranch, Florida.
  • Contact a skilled lawyer like those at Herman & Wells for legal advice and representation.
  • Our experienced attorneys can help you build a robust case for your claim and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.
  • In cases where negotiations fail, they can take your case to court and advocate for your rights.
  • Contact us today for a free consultation!

Why Hire Our Lakewood Ranch Parking Lot Accident Lawyers

  • Our attorneys have extensive experience dealing with the unique challenges of parking lot accidents.
  • We strive to ensure that our clients get the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to.
  • We provide our clients with skilled and compassionate service every step of the way.

Navigating Parking Lot Accidents In Lakewood Ranch

The Unique Nature Of Parking Lot Accidents

Parking lot accidents are different from other vehicular incidents due to their specific environment and circumstances. In Lakewood Ranch, parking lots are private property, which means that law enforcement may not document accidents in the same way as on public roads. This can make gathering crucial accident information more challenging. The complex layout of parking lots, with cars moving in multiple directions and pedestrians present, often leads to unique collisions not seen on public roads.

Determining liability in these cases can be more nuanced. While low speed limits in parking lots may minimize vehicle damage, they do not eliminate the risk of severe personal injury, especially to pedestrians. Handling parking lot accident claims requires the expertise of knowledgeable lawyers, like those at Herman & Wells.

Challenges Of Parking Lot Accident Claims In Lakewood Ranch

The challenges of handling parking lot accident claims in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, can be multifaceted. There are often multiple parties involved, including drivers, pedestrians, and potentially the property owner. The lines of responsibility may blur, making it difficult to establish who is at fault. Furthermore, insurance companies may be reluctant to cover the full extent of the damages, minimizing their financial responsibility.

It can be a tedious process as you’ll have to gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and possibly prepare for court. But with a seasoned parking lot accident lawyer from Herman & Wells by your side, these challenges can be navigated with confidence and proficiency.

Common Causes Of Parking Lot Accidents In Lakewood Ranch

Distracted Driving

One of the most common causes of parking lot accidents in Lakewood Ranch is distracted driving. In a bustling parking lot, drivers often multitask, diverting their attention to their phones, navigation systems, or other passengers. This lack of focus can cause drivers to overlook other vehicles, pedestrians, or parking infrastructure, leading to collisions.


Even though parking lots have lower speed limits, some drivers ignore these restrictions. Speeding in a parking lot leaves less time for the driver to react to unexpected circumstances, such as a pedestrian crossing their path or another vehicle pulling out of a parking spot.

Reckless or Improper Maneuvering

Parking lots are areas of high maneuvering, with drivers constantly parking, reversing, and pulling out of spaces. Reckless or improper maneuvering, such as not checking blind spots or ignoring the right-of-way rules, can easily result in a parking lot accident.

Poor Visibility

Poor visibility due to bad weather, insufficient lighting, or obstructive parking lot designs can also contribute to accidents. This is particularly true during the busier shopping periods when the parking lots are crowded.

Ignoring Parking Lot Signage

Parking lots often contain specific signage directing traffic, establishing right-of-way, or indicating pedestrian crossings. Drivers who ignore these signs are more likely to cause accidents.

Steps To Follow After A Parking Lot Accident In Lakewood Ranch

Documenting The Accident Scene

Documenting the scene of the accident is crucial in building a strong case. This includes taking photos of the scene, noting the time and weather conditions, location, and any visible injuries or property damage. Don’t forget to capture any parking lot signs, markings, or other factors that may have contributed to the accident.

Exchange Information

In the aftermath of a parking lot accident, it’s essential to exchange contact and insurance information with all involved parties. This would typically include names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance provider, and policy number. If there are any eyewitnesses to the accident, try to gather their contact information as well.

Report The Accident

Even though parking lots are private property, it’s good practice to report the accident to the Lakewood Ranch police. The police report can provide an unbiased perspective on the accident, which can be beneficial when filing an insurance claim or pursuing legal action.

Seek Medical Attention

If you or anyone else involved in the accident is injured, seek medical attention immediately. Even if you feel fine, some injuries may not manifest right away. Having a medical report can be a powerful piece of evidence when arguing for a personal injury claim.

Contact A Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

Given the complexities and unique challenges of parking lot accidents, it’s advisable to reach out to a skilled lawyer like those at Herman & Wells. Our Lakewood Ranch attorneys have extensive experience navigating parking lot accident claims and can provide you with valuable legal advice and representation.

Why You Should Seek Medical Attention After Parking Lot Accident

It’s essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a parking lot accident in Lakewood Ranch, even if you don’t feel any symptoms. Some injuries may take time to manifest and, without an official medical report, insurance companies might minimize the extent of the damages.

If your injury is serious enough that it requires long-term treatment or rehabilitation, having a medical report can significantly strengthen your case. Moreover, it’s important to remember that some injuries may not be visible right away. For example, a traumatic brain injury or whiplash may not have any physical signs but can still lead to long-term complications if left untreated.

How Can A Parking Lot Accident Lawyer Help My Claim?

A parking lot accident lawyer can play an instrumental role in your claim by meticulously investigating the accident, gathering compelling evidence, and establishing liability. They can adeptly negotiate with insurance companies, ensuring you receive a fair settlement that truly reflects your damages.

In cases where negotiations fail, they’re prepared to take your case to court, advocating for your rights and interests. With their nuanced understanding of the local laws in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, lawyers from Herman & Wells can help you navigate this complex process, and work diligently to secure the best possible outcome for your claim.

$192,500 settlement for a slip and fall injury at a St. Petersburg parking lot

Denied Parking Lot Accident Claim? – How We Can Help

If your parking lot accident claim has been denied, don’t despair. At Herman & Wells, we understand the complexities of parking lot accident claims in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, and we’re here to help. Our seasoned attorneys can reevaluate your case, identify any potential weaknesses or oversights, and build a stronger claim.

We can challenge the denial, presenting compelling evidence to counteract the reasons for your claim rejection. Our objective is to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions About Parking Lot Accident Claims In Lakewood Ranch

Q: What is the statute of limitations for filing a parking lot accident claim in Lakewood Ranch, Florida?

A: The statute of limitations in Florida is two years for personal injury cases, including parking lot accidents. If you don’t file a claim within this time frame, your case will no longer be valid in court. It’s best to seek legal advice as soon as possible after the accident so that you’re not at risk of missing this deadline.

Q: What evidence do I need for a parking lot accident claim?

A: The evidence needed for a parking lot accident claim varies depending on the specifics of your case. Generally, you would need to provide proof that another party was at fault, such as medical records or witness testimonies. You should also provide any evidence from the scene of the accident, such as photos or videos, and details of the damages you incurred. A qualified lawyer from Herman & Wells can help you assemble a robust case for your parking lot accident claim in Lakewood Ranch, Florida.

Q: Do I need to go to trial if I pursue a parking lot accident claim?

A: Not necessarily. If an insurance company or other party is willing to negotiate fairly, it maybe possible to reach an out-of-court settlement. An experienced attorney from Herman & Wells can help you negotiate a settlement that’s in your best interests, and ensure that you receive appropriate compensation for the damages incurred. If negotiations fail, however, trial may be necessary to secure a favorable outcome.

Herman & Wells process

Reach Out To Our Lakewood Ranch’s Expert Parking Lot Accident Lawyers

Navigating a parking lot accident claim can be challenging and stressful, but you don’t have to do it alone. The skilled attorneys at Herman & Wells in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, have a deep understanding of the intricacies of these unique cases and are committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve. Don’t let a parking lot accident disrupt your life more than it already has. Call (727) 821-3195 today for a free consultation and let’s start the process of getting you back to a sense of normality!

Case Results

See More Case Results

Slip & Fall Injury in St. Petersburg Parking Lot

Our client was significantly injured while traversing a parking lot in St. Petersburg, FL. This parking lot is located on 4th Street and had been recently resurfaced by the commercial property owner at the time of the incident. After the resurfacing had been completed, they negligently left a severely uneven surface right in the area where pedestrians would step down from the sidewalk. The incident occurred at night and with 2 parked cars flanking this uneven surface area. The low visibility was only exacerbated by the dark shadows from the cars and this prevented our client from seeing what they were stepping onto. Our client fell down and broke her leg as a result. Fortunately, our personal injury attorney successfully recovered $192,500.00 for them.

Initial Position

Fall Injury


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(727) 821-3195